Important Notice: If you switch from online mode to offline mode using the same username,
or if you use a VPN (which is not allowed), your UUID will change, and you may lose all inventory and progress tied
to your account. We do not restore inventories, items, or progress lost due to such actions. Please ensure you stick
to the same connection method and follow our rules to avoid any data loss.
1. Respect Others
- No hate speech, bullying, or harassment.
- Keep chat friendly and free of inappropriate or offensive content.
- Be courteous during trades, interactions, and gameplay.
2. No Cheating or Exploiting
- No cheats, hacks, or third-party mods for unfair advantages.
- Report any bugs or glitches to staff immediately.
- Do not create multiple accounts to transfer benefits or resources.
- Do not use autoclickers or any automated tools to perform in-game actions.
3. Fair Play
- No griefing or destroying other players' builds without permission.
- Respect claimed land and follow the server’s land claim rules.
- No trap killing or unfair harm to other players.
- Scamming other players in trades or deals is prohibited.
4. Keep It Clean
- Refrain from sharing inappropriate or explicit content in chat.
- No advertising other servers, websites, or products.
- Stealing from other accounts or unauthorized access is not allowed.
5. Follow Staff Instructions
- Respect staff members and their decisions.
- Staff are here to help and enforce the rules.
Enforcement: Breaking these rules may result in warnings, kicks, or bans.
By playing on Minewizards, you agree to follow these rules. Have fun and enjoy the game!